Air Suam
Botol atau bekas untuk letak petai
1. Rebus petai separuh masak.
2. Bila dah sejuk sedikit, picit keluar biji petai tu
3. Masukkan ke dalam botol dan letak sedikit garam
4. Gaul hingga rata
5. Biar semalaman. Jgn letak dlm peti ais. Garam ini berfungsi utk menjerukkan petai ini
5. Keesokan harinya letakkan air suam agak2 tenggelam dan hampir penuh botol.
6. Biarkan beberapa hari dan petai ini telah sedia utk dimakan.
7. Dah rasa jeruk n power!
1 comment:
Salam. TQVM for resipi membuat jeruk petai. Teringat zaman remaja dibekalkan jeruk petai ke asrama. My late mom used the largest nescafe jar and supplied me with small plastic wrappings for me to fill up with the jeruk prior to going to the dining hall. This is to prevent an unnecessary `kenduri' with about 650 guets besides me. A hostel in seremban. The trick allowed me to spread the ration over a longer period of time. A friend from melaka followed suit later but his jeruk was purplish in colour. My mom told me the reason behind the difference. Sadly, as a son, i did not get to learn how to make my own until now.
TQVM once again.
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